Noticias de Urbytus

The growth of multifamily residential projects in Malaga
Spain News

The growth of multifamily residential projects in Malaga

A recent report in Spanish by real estate firm Savills Aguirre Newman highlighted the growth of the property market in Malaga,...
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Behemoth Residential Communities

Behemoth Residential Communities

When you hear the term “residential community”, what image do you get? Maybe a gated community with a few houses...
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Does your residential community use software?
Community Issues

Does your residential community use software?

Letterboxes full of junk mail. Important notifications going missing. How do I tell my neighbour that his dog is digging...
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Residential communities: grassroots governance
Community Issues

Residential communities: grassroots governance

It can be a lonely, unrewarded and difficult journey for the president of a residential community. Plenty of after-hours work,...
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The owner-tenant relationship: opportunities in residential communities
Community Issues Tips for homeowners

The owner-tenant relationship: opportunities in residential communities

There is a growing trend among younger generations in developed countries to rent dwellings, as opposed to taking on mortgages....
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Digital disruption in property management: is the “Uber Moment” coming?

Digital disruption in property management: is the “Uber Moment” coming?

The world of property management software has been traditionally slow to adopt new technologies. Is this necessarily a bad thing,...
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Local City Council Incentivizes Upkeep of Residential Communities
Community Issues Costa del Sol News

Local City Council Incentivizes Upkeep of Residential Communities

Our business Urbytus is located right next to the Mijas area of Costa del Sol. This city council is implementing...
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“Intolerable” noise from neighbour’s children ‘running around like playground’
Community Issues

“Intolerable” noise from neighbour’s children ‘running around like playground’

The Mirror newspaper reported last month that the resident of a London flat had been awarded over 100K pounds for...
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Proptech makes happier residential communities

Proptech makes happier residential communities

There is a terminology that we have started to come across more and more over the past year or so:...
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Problemas de comunicación más comunes del administrador de fincas con la comunidad

Problemas de comunicación más comunes del administrador de fincas con la comunidad

Mediar y llevar la información a cada uno de los miembros de una comunidad de vecinos es la punta de...
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Como el Big Data puede ayudar a hacer crecer tu empresa

Como el Big Data puede ayudar a hacer crecer tu empresa

Para las medianas, pequeñas y gran empresas el comprender cómo se utiliza el Big Data puede ser muy útil para...
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10 claves del auge del bitcoin

10 claves del auge del bitcoin

El bitcoin es a las finanzas lo que el Charleston fue a la música en los años 20. Todo el...
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Principales problemas al gestionar una urbanización

Principales problemas al gestionar una urbanización

Tomar las riendas de una gestión de urbanización o finca puede llegar a ser una de las tareas mas difíciles...
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Los 10 conflictos vecinales más frecuentes

Los 10 conflictos vecinales más frecuentes

La convivencia es uno de los grandes retos que se tiene como sociedad. Convivir en una sociedad de vecinos quizás...
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Las ventajas de trabajar en la nube para gestionar comunidades de vecinos

Las ventajas de trabajar en la nube para gestionar comunidades de vecinos

Ser parte de una comunidad de vecinos es como pertenecer activamente en una empresa y poder gestionar todo lo que...
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MeetUp in Malaga – Blockchain, Ethereum and Crypto intro with Jordi Baylina
blockchain News from Urbytus

MeetUp in Malaga – Blockchain, Ethereum and Crypto intro with Jordi Baylina

Our Communications Team had the chance to attend the UnBlockingChain#1 MeetUp event, organized by Polaris Link, by UMA Tech, part...
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Gazumping, Gazundering and Smart Contracts
Tips for homeowners

Gazumping, Gazundering and Smart Contracts

Perhaps two of the most flamboyant words in the dictionary. Their meanings, well… you certainly wouldn’t want to find out...
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Ley española sobre mascotas en comunidades de vecinos

Ley española sobre mascotas en comunidades de vecinos

Mas del 35% de los hogares españoles tienen al menos una mascota como parte de la familia. Esto se traduce...
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5 ventajas de OCM para propietarios, administradores y presidentes de comunidades de propietarios

Muchas veces las reuniones de propietarios resultan un problema porque los miembros de la comunidad no tienen demasiado tiempo o...
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Los administradores de fincas y su papel en las reformas en comunidades de vecinos

El saber convivir no es un don que se le otorgue a muchos, al contrario, solo el que entienda el...
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