aliurbyadmin, Author at urbytus


Check your Electricity Invoices for errors. Here is my ordeal with Iberdrola

Some of you have been affected by the rise in the electricity prices. I personally got cornered by mal practices.  In first place it was Proxima Energia that when the prices went up, they invoice me estimated readings. Of course I didn’t really start analysing the invoice until three months later where I got hit

Check your Electricity Invoices for errors. Here is my ordeal with Iberdrola Read More »

Community Rules, by laws and yet more rules. Are we free to do what we want in our homes?

15 years ago, I bought an apartment in a beautiful quiet complex on the Mijas road.  The complex was only a few years old and most owners were retired or second holiday home owners.  That was just what I wanted; somewhere nice and quiet.  There were hardly any rules required.   In fact the community rules

Community Rules, by laws and yet more rules. Are we free to do what we want in our homes? Read More »

Bookshelves or BookShares? Do you share books in your community?

Do you have a community library or bookshelves/share? Last month the great author and philosopher Julian Baggini, published in article in the Weekend issue of Financial Times (11/12 September 2021), talking about reducing his library size. The article sparked a huge debate and letters to the editor in response to why people should not downgrade,

Bookshelves or BookShares? Do you share books in your community? Read More »