Timeline Stories - urbytus

Timeline Stories

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Lunch with Presidents

I have always been avid reader of the Financial Times Weekend. One of my favorite sections happens to be Lunch with FT. In line with this, I have started Lunch with The Presidents Club, where every week I shall interview a president of a community during a lunch session. On 14th of April we had […]

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Urbytus signs a mutual agreement with the College of Administrators (CAF) in Malaga to present and provide its services at a discount to administrators who are a member of the College. This marks a turning point in which the College of Administrator recognizes the need for the use of technologies like Urbytus in this sector.

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Urbytus continued to move forward breaking into the national market and expanding from Costa del Sol into Tenerife. The College of Administrators in Tenerife welcomed Urbytus and its use in the area where there is also a high concentration of foreign residents and property owners keen to use the latest technology for their home owner

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1st Presidents Forum

The first of its kind. Urbytus starts the initiative to bring together the presidents of communities in Costa del Sol. Over 120 presidents from all over the Costa del Sol attended this first Presidents Forum in which several companies presented their services for communities and the use case of Urbytus was highlighted by the founder

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Agreement with CUDECA

We believe in giving back to the community. While for years I had personally donated and support numerous charities, I thought it was time that we also do it as a company. In 2015 we signed an agreement with Cudeca to collaborate in fund raising events and other areas.

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